Damask Rooster Greeting Card

Need a special greeting card, but don’t have time to run to the store? No problem! Remember that you can use your BERNINA Embroidery Software 6 to create a unique thank you note like the one shown here, or any other event of occasion when you are stuck for a quick card.

Open an embroidery design of your choice, then select File > Save Design to convert it to an image of the three-dimensional Artistic View embroidery. I used designs from OESD Pack #61076, Damask Roosters by Jennifer Brinley.

As soon as you have saved the designs you wish to use, click on the Art Canvas tab to open CorelDRAW. Drag a guideline from the ruler on the top out ot the center of the page – look for the “0” on the left ruler indicating the center of the page – and click. Then draw a guideline out from the ruler on the left to the center of the page – look for the “0” on the top ruler – and click. This is your card layout guide, with the front of the card at the lower right corner, the back at the lower left, and the inside panels at the top.

Import your graphics by clicking the Load Picture icon and selecting the desired designs. Arrange the images in your card layout.

Select the Text icon, click an empty area of the workspace, and type “Thank you.” Drag your cursor over the text to select it, and choose a font that appeals to you from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Add text to the inside of the card, and if you want , even to the card back.

Select File > Print. The 3D embroidery art and drop shadow print beautifully!

Fold the card in half and in half again. A folded 8½” x 11″ sheet of paper fits a standard No.5½ Envelope.

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