Learning Colors with Fabric Scraps—Quiet Book


Playfully learning colours – a quiet book to recreate

Children usually start learning their colours in the age between two and three years. This book is just right for that age. I used a farraginous mix of fabric remnants to sew this book.

You can follow the step-by-step picture guide to recreate the book.

While collating the colours for every page I always used the central picture as theme, for instance giraffe, dalmatian, fire brigade, frog, bear, water of flower.

On every page there is a button matching the respective theme, as well as some ribbons, lace or a piece of a new rag. Different kinds of fabrics, leather and fur fabric make it more interesting for children’s tactile sense. If you are worried because your little ones still like to put things in their mouth, leave out the ribbons.

For the title page I cut out one picture of the different fabrics and created a little quilt. This forms into a hidden object puzzle game, where children can look for objects and learn colours at the same time.
You can follow the step-by-step picture guide to recreate the book.

Have fun sewing.
Your teenytinymom

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