
Irene from Sugaridoo loves to design and create bright happy modern quilts. Working with fabrics gives her much joy!

For as long as she can remember she's been making things and doing all kinds of crafts: crochet, knitting, origami, making friendship bracelets, cross stitching, drawing, and probably more. Her mom taught her everything she knew as her grandma thought her mom.

Irene studied mechanical engineering, and that technical background is probably why she loves to draw on graph paper so much. She love lines and all things geometric. That’s why she started to focus more and more on quilting. Drawing lines and turning them into a beautiful modern quilt is just magic!

In 2016 Irene decided to say goodby to her job as a engineer in the offshore industry and started working on her business Sugaridoo full time. Such a great decision! Sharing her love for quilting through patterns and YouTube videos is what she love to do most.

At the moment Irene exploring free motion quilting, quilting with the Q-matic and working with lots of colors. Her favorite quilting technique is foundation paper piecing. It’s such a fun technique with endless opportunities. So it was no surprise that the two book she published (Sugaridoo Sampler and Happy Notes) were both filled with paper piecing patterns.

Irene quilts on a BERNINA 770 QE, the Q16 sit down and the Q24 on frame. A wonderful family of BERNINA machines that help turn all her ideas in to real quilts!

You can follow Irene's quilty adventures on

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