Tag: bernina

Bias Binder Coaster

I’m so excited about using our new Bias Binder Attachment #88! I had these denim pieces that I had done some circular embroidery on (using Circular Embroidery Attachment #83). I put a piece of OESD FiberForm on the back, and backed that with a red cotton print.


Button Cuffs

How many of us have jars, tins and boxes containing buttons galore? I, for one, do! And I always welcome more. One of my favorite things to make with them is Button Cuffs. All you need is elastic and lots of your favorite buttons! … More

Days for Girls

My small quilt group, Designing Women, has undertaken several charity projects, but Days for Girls was quite different than any of our previous endeavors. This worthy group collects and distributes women’s sanitary supplies to women in Third World countries, primarily Africa. … More