We’re Going on a Quilt Safari

Hello, dear quilting and sewing enthusiasts, I’m so happy – the time has come: I’m taking you on a new quilt along. We are going on a safari! Anyone who has ever experienced a safari knows how breathtaking it is.

The Quilt Safari Starts Soon – Are You Joining Us?

Of course, our quilt along is appropriately called ‘Quilt Safari’.

I’ve been working on this beautiful quilt in the background for quite a while and I can tell you: it’s been a real pleasure – and I’m sure the quilt along will be an unforgettable sewing adventure for all participants.

So pack your khaki shorts, don’t forget your straw hat and come along to the land of the big fantastic animals … Africa!

Let’s go on Quilt-Safari ! 

Safari quilt pattern The Safari Quilt 

What Are We Going to Sew?

Maybe some of you already know, I love Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP). It’s a quilting technique that allows for very precise, detailed sewing and, in my opinion, is relatively simple.

No fabrics have to be pre-cut and you don’t have to pay attention to the grain. You sew on paper, that’s the foundation. Hence the word foundation. The finished quilt block is created on the back.

I am delighted to introduce you to the Foundation Paper Piecing technique with this Safari-Quilt.

This quilt contains a total of 17 FPP quilt blocks. Some are included twice or more often. We are sewing a total of 8 different designs in the quilt top and a pretty diamond border, which I think finishes off the whole quilt perfectly.

For you to plan the time required to sew this quilt and to see, that it is absolutely doable: Most of the blocks in this quilt can be sewn in about 1.5 hours. Only Ludwig the lion needs a little more time due to its mane. You can find information on the exact process further down in this article.




lion quilt block pattern

Ludwig the lion

Is the Quilt Safari suitable for beginners?

I know that many people shy away from the FPP technique because it is supposedly so complicated. However, last year’s Sail-Along on the BERNINA International blog showed us, that even absolute beginners can achieve great results. I’m sure our Quilt Safari will be no different.

The safari is designed so that all skill levels of quilters can participate. We’ll start with the easier blocks and gradually work our way up. As part of the safari, there will be some instructional videos where I show the process step-by-step. The Quilt Safari is suitable for FPP beginners as well as for experienced quilters who have already succeeded with many blocks.

You will learn how to glue patterns together and the best way to work with them, you will learn tricks for sewing and joining the individual pattern pieces and much more.

By the end of the Quilt Safari, you will hopefully love paper piecing as much as I do, and I am hoping it will be just as easy for you.



baby elephant quilt block pattern in red and blue Baby Elephant quilt block

The Fabrics

I mainly used solid fabrics for this quilt.  The whole quilt is made in my absolute favorite colors. Warm pink and orange tones with a little yellow and a warm green, which I personally really like. But of course, you are free to choose whatever you like best.

Do you want to sew with the same colors as me? That makes me happy! Matching fabric sets in the perfect, pre-cut quantities for the quilt safari are available from Jason Bieber from Kingfisher Craft Company.

It’s best to order as soon as possible. Then you will have everything ready when the instructions for the first block are published in three weeks’ time.

Jason from Kingfisher Craft Company delivers to the US and Canada. Do you live somewhere else? Then contact your local fabric retailer or quilt store.

Of course, you can also participate in the safari with other fabrics. You are totally welcome to use your own fabric stash or color combinations. I look forward to seeing your creations and combinations.

Elephant quilt block patterns in red and gray

Elephant quilt blocks including Elli the elephant (top center)

The Pattern

To participate in the quilt safari, you will need the pattern for the Safari Quilt.

The pattern consists of 8 different foundation paper pieced quilt blocks and 43 4.5″ squares. The following blocks are included in the pattern:

  • the baby elephant
  • Elli, the elephant
  • the standing elephant (from the front)
  • the zebra
  • the rhinoceros
  • the acacia tree
  • the giraffe
  • the proud lion

And as a bonus pattern the diamond border blocks.

You need to purchase the pattern to participate in the Quilt Along. Of course, participation of the safari is voluntary – but I am happy to welcome many travel companions!

If the pattern is not up your alley and you shy away from this project, you are welcome to be a safari spectator. I think you will gain a lot of experience and love for FPP as an observer too.

Zoe the zebra quilt block pattern Zoe the zebra quilt block pattern

The Quilt Safari Schedule:

The Quilt Safari blog posts will be published on the dates below, always on a Thursday – so you have time to sew over the weekend. You can follow our schedule and sew the blocks step-by-step. But you can also work according to your own schedule and join the Quilt Safari later, for example.

Here is the schedule of our Quilt Safari:

  • January 18, 2024: You’ll get details on fabrics and other supplies – and there’s a starter raffle ( giveaway) with great prizes!
  • February 15, 2024: We’ll start with the FPP sewing process. You’ll get a step-by-step tutorial that’s perfect for FPP beginners. There is also a video with detailed sewing instructions.
  • February 22, 2024: We’ll sew Elli the elephant (trunk up).
  • February 29, 2024: We’ll sew the zebra.
  • March 7, 2024: This week the standing elephant is on our schedule (elephant from the front).
  • March 14, 2024: We’ll be sewing the rhinoceros.
  • March 21, 2024: We’ll be sewing the baby elephant (trunk down).
  • March 28, 2024: We’ll sew the graceful giraffe
  • April 4, 2024: This week we’ll be sewing the acacia trees.
    We take a little break so that everyone can catch up.
  • April 18, 2024: We’ll sew Ludwig the lion.
  • April 25, 2024: We’ll cut the squares and sew the quilt blocks together.
  • May 2, 2024: We’ll sew the border for the quilt. The big final raffle will also take place.

Show us your photos of your finished work by June 16, 2024, at the latest!

We will announce the final winners once and verified in the weeks following.

Let Us Know You’re In!

Are you taking part? Then put on your khaki shorts, grab a straw hat and show everyone on social media that you’re in the Jeep and on safari! You can use the below graphics. Click on ‘Download Button’ to save them to your device!

Please use the hashtag #quiltsafari on all social media posts and mention @berninausa and @joejuneandmae on Instagram for an opportunity to be featured!


quilt safari sew along

Quilt Safari social media button


quilt safari social media button

Quilt Safari Social Media Post to be shared

Download Button

Now, for the Giveaway…

To be more precise: there are two giveaways! With the blog post on fabric requirements, which will be published next Thursday, January 18, 2024, you can already win great prizes, including a large thread case from Mettler. So be sure to check out the BERNINA WeAllSew blog again on January 18, 2024.

In June, when all the quilt tops have been completed and the border is finished, we will have our final and amazing giveaway with HUGE prizes.

You don’t have to sew the “best” quilt. I just want you to have a beautiful Safari Quilt finished by June. Hopefully, you will have learned a lot and most importantly, you will have had tons fun sewing this quilt! Giveaway winners will be chosen randomly.

BERNINA is providing a bernette 77 as the main prize. The machine from the bernette 70 series offers comfort features such as a color 5-inch touch screen for intuitive navigation, bernette dual feed for even feeding of all materials, a programmable foot control with back-kick function and many other extras.

Additional Prizes

  • Three patterns from Joe, June and Mae worth EUR 7.90 each.
  • Silk-Finish Cotton Thread from Mettler
  • Fat quarter bundle from Kingfisher Craft Company (consisting of 5 FQ)

I hope you are as excited as I am. I look forward to seeing everyone who takes part.

How to Participate in the Final Giveaway

To enter the giveaway you need to post a photo of your finished quilt top on social media or the BERNINA WeAllSew blog Community Section by June 16, 2024.

These are the conditions:

  • Your quilt top should have been sewn in its original size according to the Quilt Safari instructions.
  • You are free to choose your own fabrics, colors and materials.
  • Binding is not necessary and the quilting does not have to be completed.
  • Participation for the giveaway takes place by posting a picture on Instagram. Remember to use the hashtag #quiltsafari!
    • Please note, Instagram profile must be public to enter.

If you don’t have a public Instagram profile, you can enter by uploading pictures of your quilt to the Community Section of the BERNINA WeAllSew blog. Don’t forget to select “Quilt Safari” in the drop-down list under “Participate” when uploading to the community area:

Project Details

The winners will be chosen randomly. You can participate on Instagram and in the Community Section of the WeAllSew blog.

Details at a Glance

  • Would you like to take part in the Quilt Safari? You are more than welcome, there is lots of room in the Jeep! No registration is necessary.
  • A blog post will be published next Thursday, January 18, 2024, with detailed information on fabric requirements and a giveaway to get you started
  • The first instructions will be published on February 15. End of the Quilt Safari is mid-June 2024.
  • The instructions are always published on the BERNINA WeAllSew blog. Here you can find an overview of all Quilt Safari blog articles: Quilt Safari on the BERNINA WeAllSew Blog
  • You can sign up for the WeAllSew blog newsletter or for my newsletter and receive regular updates.
  • It is a community effort. Show us photos of your work at any time! On social media (please use the hashtag #quiltsafari) or in the Community Section of the blog.
  • Get your fabrics and patterns before February 15, 2024. You can of course also work with fabrics from your stash.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you. As Hemingway said so beautifully: “If I’ve ever seen magic, it’s been in Africa.”



elephant quilt block pattern in pink and gray

Elli the elephant

I’m looking forward to a very special adventure with you!

See you again very soon,
yours Ingrid

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3 comments on “We’re Going on a Quilt Safari”

  • When I click on the pattern to purchase, the pattern price does not show in US dollars. I did not click further since I do not know the price of the pattern.

  • I went to the Community Blog and filled out all the sections and inserted two photos. How do I know if what I put for Quilt Safari went through? Do not understand about being eligible for prizes and how to do it.

    The fabric in the fabric kit for the giraffe is black and white, not orange. Giraffes are not black and white. While I know this is stylized, I still would like to have what was pictured. Is there a way around this?

    Looking forward to our adventure!

    • Hello! Thank you for your feedback. We do see your posts on the Community section and you did qualify for an entry. Unfortunately, the winner has been chosen but we do encourage you to keep an eye out for future giveaways! For the fabric, we recommend reaching out to the company in which you had purchased from. We hope this helps! Thank you so much for joining the Quilt Safari!

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