Introducing the Between the Lines Quilt Along with Sugaridoo

Are you ready for an amazing new Quilt Along?

In one week, on June 6th, the Sugaridoo x BERNINA Quilt Along is going to start on the BERNINA Blog. So, hop on board, get your fabrics ready and join us in making this wonderful quilt!

In this blog post, I will tell you all about it: what we’re going to make, which techniques we’ll be using, all the dates, and of course, what you can win by participating.

Hi there!

My name is Irene and this is my first post here on WeAllSew. So exciting to be here. I’m a Dutch quilter, I design fabrics and quilt patterns from the Sugaridoo Studio in The Netherlands.

Over the last year I have hosted two quilt alongs on the Dutch, German and English BERNINA Blog. The first Sugaridoo BERNINA QAL and the One Two Tree QAL. Such wonderful quilting adventures, to sew together with quilters from all over the world.

This year I teamed up with BERNINA again and we are bringing you a brand quilt along: Between the Lines.

Between the Lines

Between the Lines is a modern, fresh QAL with free patterns and videos! The quilt we’ll be making consists of 9 rows and measures 55 x 66 inches.

We’ll be using various techniques. Foundation Paper Piecing will be included, my favorite technique. But we’ll also be working with sewing quarter circles, traditional piecing, and strip piecing.

Between the lines QAL

Join the QAL!

A free pattern for the QAL will be posted every four weeks on the BERNINA blog, the videos on the Sugaridoo YouTube channel and the instructions for quilting the quilt on the BERNINA Q Series here on WeAllSew.

I’ll also keep you posted here on WeAllSew with summary posts including links to all the patterns and videos.

Would you like to receive updates as soon as the blog posts and videos are online?
Sign up here for the QAL for free!

You can use this button on Instagram to show other quilters that you’re participating. (Save the image below to share it on social media.)

In this video, you’ll see more of the quilt, and I’ll talk about the quilt along:

Materials for the Between the Lines QAL quilt

What do you need for this quilt along? Here’s a list of all the tools I used to make this quilt besides my BERNINA 770 QE.

  • Cutting mat
  • Rotary cutter
  • Inch ruler. I use a 6 x 24 and a 6 x 12 inch ruler. No problem if you have one in a slightly different size.
  • Paper scissors
  • Fabric scissors
  • Pins
  • Thread (in the color of the background fabric)
  • For foundation paper piecing, I use an add-a-quarter ruler, tea bag paper, and freezer paper. Tea bag paper is my favorite paper for foundation paper piecing.

Fabrics + Fabric bundles

For the fabrics, I’ve come up with two options. Of course, a cheerful rainbow, but also a fresh teal-green quilt. Here’s what you need to make these quilts.


  • 16 fat quarters in rainbow colors
    • 4 x pink
    • 4 x orange/yellow
    • 4 x green
    • 4 x teal/blue
  • 2 fat quarters accent fabric (grey)
  • 5 yards background fabric


  • 8 half meters
    • 4 x green
    • 4 x teal/blue
  • 2 fat quarters accent fabric (grey)
  • 5 yards background fabric

Fabric kits

Between the Lines is designed with the first Sugaridoo fabric line. For this Quilt Along, you can participate with one of the two kits featuring Robo Boogie. Or you can of course use your own fabrics.

Click here to order your kit


The first option is the kit for the cheerful Rainbow Quilt. This kit consists of a bundle of 20 fat quarters and 5 yards of background fabric.

Green + Teal

The second option is this fresh quilt with Green and Teal. This kit contains 8 half meters, 2 fat quarters, and 5 yards of background fabric.

Q-matic Quick Tip

I will be quilting this quilt with custom designs on the BERNINA Q 24 with Q-matic. Even when the top would turn out a little wonky, with rows that aren’t completely straight, the Q-matic can perfectly quilt a pattern inside a row.

Let’s take the quilt sedign below as an example. If you’d want to fit this in a specific area on your quilt you can use the function Boundary.

I found it easiest to use the sew head to point out all around the area that needs to be quilted. The software will then morph the design to this area. A perfect solution to rows or blocks that need a specific quilting design but aren’t completely straight.

Dates for the Between the Lines QAL

Here’s an overview of what’s going to happen when for the Between the Lines QAL. Mark all the dates in your calendar, it’ll help you keep up with sewing. Maybe you can even schedule a regular time when you’ll work on the quilt.

All live videos will be held on Fridays at 4:00 PM CET (summer time). In the blog post on the day before the live, you’ll find the link to the live video. You’ll also receive this information in your email if you sign up for the QAL.

  • June 6th Pattern 1/9 + video
  • July 4th Pattern 2/9 (live video: July 5th)
  • August 1st Pattern 3/9 (live video: August 2nd)
  • August 29th pattern 4/9 (live video: August 30th)
  • September 26th Pattern 5/9 + halfway giveaway (live video: September 27th)
  • October 24th Pattern 6/9 (live video: October 25th)
  • November 21st Pattern 7/9 (live video: November 22nd)
  • December 19th Pattern 8/9 (live video: December 20th)
  • January 16th Pattern 9/9 (live video: January 17th)
  • February 13th Sewing together the top + giveaway
  • March 13th Quilting the quilt
  • April 10th Putting binding around the quilt.


A quilt along is a great way to get to know other quilter. To learn and support each other. The community for the Between the Lines QAL will be hosted on the Sugaridoo Facebook page. Make sure to join in to share your progress and be able to ask all your questions.


And now the giveaways. This is really fantastic to share with you. By participating in this QAL, you have the chance to win one of the three BERNINA 475 QE sewing machines!

Additionally, Mettler is giving away an incredibly beautiful thread box at the beginning of the Quilt Along.

Furthermore, during the QAL, we will raffle off 3x a Sugaridoo Happy Notes book, 3x a Sugaridoo surprise package, and 1x a BERNINA ruler set.

So, besides gaining experience, improving your technique, and making a super beautiful quilt, you also have the chance to win all these wonderful prizes!

To learn how to enter for a chance to win, please visit the BERNINA Blog.

See you on the 6th!

I’m really looking forward to working on this quilt together in June. Let me know you’re joining in a message below or by tagging @Sugaridoo on Instagram.


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