Letters to Santa Pillow
This holiday season create a pillow that does more than just look pretty. Make a “letters to Santa pillow” that can stash a child’s letter to Santa and even hold fun surprises from your “Elf of the Shelf”! The finished size of this project is a 12″ square, perfect for tiny hands to hold and enjoy, plus it’s in an easy to remove slipcover format… just in case it gets dirty or you chose to swap out your look when the next season arrives.
Materials to create a letters to Santa pillow:
- 3/8 of 45″ material (more may be needed for print\design matching)
- 12″ pillow form
- Scissors & Ruler or Rotary Cutter and Mat
- Thread to Match
- Cut away stabilizer
- Embroidery Thread
- Embroidery design of your choice
- Your sewing machine, I sew on a BERNINA 580
Cutting Instructions for the letters to Santa pillow:
- 2, 8 x 13″ rectangles for the pocket & pocket lining
- 1, 13 x 13″ square for pillow front
- 1, 7 ½ x 13″ rectangle for pillow back
- 1, 9 x 13″ rectangle for pillow back
Embroider your chosen design on front of one pocket rectangle. (Shown in photo: Embroidery Library’s Christmas Flight Silhouette Scene)
Instructions to sew a letters to Santa pillow:
Seam allowances are ½ inch unless otherwise noted.
Step 1
Place pocket & lining, right sides together and sew top edge, only. Turn so that pocket & lining are now wrong sides together and press. Topstitch finished edge of pocket, if desired.
Step 2
Lay pocket on the bottom edge of pillow, matching raw edges on the sides and bottom. Baste pocket in place.
Step 3
On the 7 ½ x 13″ rectangle: on one, long edge, fold under ½″ to the wrong side and press. Fold this strip over itself and press again. Sew close to the edge. This will give a finished edge to the back of your pillow slipcover. Repeat this step along the long edge for the 9 x 13″ strip of material.
Step 4
Place the 13″ square right side up. With wrong side up, lay the smaller rectangle (which now measures 6 ½ x 13″) on top of the pillow square matching raw edges, followed by the wider panel (which now measures 8 x 13″), wrong side up. The rectangles are designed to overlap so that when the pillow form is inserted, there is no gaping in the back. Pin in place.
Step 5
Sew around entire pillow. Without cutting your stitching, clip the corners and turn right side out.
Step 6
Place your pillow form inside your slipcover and enjoy!
Our December 15 Gift For You
Today’s gift is a BERNINA Beauty Set including a pocket mirror, BERNINA red lipstick and BERNINA red nail polish to one awesome WeAllSew fan. All you have to do is post a comment below answering the following question:
Did you ever write a letter to Santa?
A winner will be chosen at random on December 16, 2015 and announced later this week!
Good luck!
Congratulations to our WeAllSew reader “sewretired786”, the winner of the December 15 gift. Enjoy!
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54 comments on “Letters to Santa Pillow”
Yes, I did, decades ago!
Yes I think I wrote to Santa as a child.
Great project today – would make a pillow with tooth fairy theme. I’d machine embroider a fairy with a wand and a tooth! Might make it a little smaller. -
Nope, I never have written a letter to Santa. I grew up in a home that believed that Christ was the meaning of Christmas and gifts were a way to express our love for each other and how much Christ loves each of us.
Many years ago, I requested a Betsy McCall doll.
nope never
I still believe The answer is “Yes”
I wrote a letter every year until I was 7. I was usually asking for the latest doll
I don’t remember doing that, but I’m sure I wrote wish lists. Cute pillow though
Oh yes! I do one every year and leave it lying around where it can be seen easily by the male of the household! Ho ho ho! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink! Works every time!
I really don’t remember, and my parents have passed so can’t ask them. Helped Grandkids thou.
I never wrote to Santa because there was no such thing as Santa in my family.
My next door neighbor kid spoiled the Santa idea for me before I was old enough to ever write a letter.
I believe I did write to Santa when I was very young–barely able to print. But my belief in Santa was destroyed–probably by my older brother!
Yes, I wrote many letters to Santa as a child. I think the pillow is awesome. I will have to wait for a few years to make it for my grandson. He is only 7 months old.
Yes; when I was a little child a few? years ago……
I wrote letters to Santa every year, but the year I asked him for a hula-hoop the letter either didn’t have enough postage on it, or it was lost, because no hula-hoop under the tree that year!! Instead I received a perfect game and book. The book is
now a very treasured book on my bookshelf. -
Yes, I wrote to Santa. I was a believer.
I don’t ever remember writing a letter to Santa. The other day I got a cute letter addressed to Santa that my 3 yr old granddaughter wrote. Her mother mailed it to me. She wanted a unicorn horse and more cookies. I immediately
wrote a letter back to her “from Santa.” It was fun and I wish I could be there to see her face. My husband
called her on the phone and pretended to be Santa. Her mom said her eyes got huge and she said, “It’s Santa
on the phone. It’s Santa!” -
Cute project! I can’t remember if I ever did or not- am I getting to old????
I have to tell you, the most fun part of this contest is reading what others wrote! I can SO identify with the lady who searched through the Sears catalog for her list to Santa! I recall when I was a kid that the Sears catalog was the most coveted catalog of all time! Funny how we do things on the internet now and catalogs have gone by the wayside. I don’t remember what I asked Santa for, but I do recall that catalog. Thank you for the trip down memory lane!
No. My parents didn’t discuss Santa with us. I’m not sure if I ever thought that the presents under the tree were from “Santa”. We did have a tree and some unwrapped gifts were there for us. No company etc. Pretty dull. I raised my three kids to believe in Santa though and I made the holidays everything they were not for me. I don’t dwell on the past. I just try to make the present a better place than where I came from. My kids now Love, Love, Love the holidays and try to make the holidays as much fun for their kids as we made them for them. Good memories to drown out the bad ones.
I do like the pillow for Santa’s letter. Kind of like the tooth fairy pillow. I used to make a lot of those for the church boutiques. They went like hotcakes. -
I am sure I did but it was so many years ago because I believe there was and is a Santa.
Years ago when i was very young, I wrote a letter to Santa for clothes for my family after a fire damaged our house and all our clothes were ruined. There were nine of us then, and my Dad struggled to make ends meet. Thankfully his fellow employees donated clothes (some of them homemade) to help us out.
Absolutely..wrote every year and helped my brother with his letter.
I can’t remember ever writing a letter to Santa, but my kids have.
heck yeah! I always wrote letters to Santa, when you stop believing in Santa you get underwear!! Adorable project.
Absolutely!!! And many more than just one.
Great project! I’m sure I did when I was young.
I am sure I must have written a letter or two to Santa ? as a child. I am sure that I whispered my wishes in his ear while sitting on his lap! We always mailed our letters.
When I was young, I wrote Santa every year for the same thing – a pony! And I still want one.
I think I did, but what I really remember is the one’s my children wrote. I understand he still has them!
yes. I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my sisters and we’d all write (or print) our letters.
Absolutely how else would he know what you want!
I have never written a letter to Santa, although, I have helped my little granddaughter with one.
I did write to Santa. My brother and I could hardly get to sleep trying to listen for Santa. Then whoever awoke during the night would wake the other and we would creep in to see what was left for us…..wonderful memories!!
No letters from Santa here.
Yes I wrote a letter to Santa and even mailed it!! Never got the horse though.
Yes when I was young and left milk and cookies out.
I remember writing Santa a letter in kindergarten. I only remember because Santa wrote me back and knew I had a younger brother and sister. I just could not figure out how he knew that.
Yes, many decades ago! Our daughters always wrote a letter to Santa and they left a plate of cookies, a glass of milk and a carrot for Rudolph. Santa always left a thank you note for his and Rudolph’s treats.
Great idea! I’m sure I wrote letters to Santa when I was young, I just don’t remember so vividly.
Yes, I wrote multiple letters as a young child. They were mailed to the North Pole.
We wrote letters to Santa, and cut out pictures from the Sears catalog.
I remember the days of Letters to Santa, and my children, and my grandchildren. the days of wide eyes and wonder.Such a magical time in ones life.It is very special. This pillow is a great way to preserve it.
Not that I remember. These are adorable though.
Thanks! -
Letter to Santa! That’s a fond grade school memory from years gone by when we still celebrated the joys of Christmas. Writing the letter to Santa was part of the fun to be followed with the jolly
Santa showing up as a surprise to all just to pick up our letters and start off our Christmas party.
What joy! -
I can’t remember, too many years ago. The pillow would be cute made for the tooth fairy too. Put a small pouch in the outer pocket for the tooth.
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As a child, I did.
I remember writing letters to Santa when a young child, which was only a few years ago (LOL)! I made reading pillows for my grandchildren including a book in the pocket–they love them! I had to write to the “birthday fairy” also as my birthday is on Christmas, also!
My sister and I wrote a letter to Santa. We put both letters together with hers on the top and my mother mailed them. Santa read the top letter on a local TV program and my sister won a prize. He only read the top letter! I was so devastated. I thought I wasn’t getting anything for x mas that year but to my surprise, HE CAME ANYWAY AND LEFT SOMETHING FOR ME TOO! That was about 55 years ago.
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I’m sure I must have, but it’s hard to remember so many years ago. I do remember sitting with the Sears catalog and flipping through each page and making my list for Santa!