Quilt Safari: Giveaway Winners

“One camel does not make fun of the other camel’s hump.” ~ Proverb from Ghana.

Hello fellow fantastic travelers on our exciting quilt safari here on the WeAllSew blog. It’s time to announce the winners of the final quilt along giveaway!

Thank you all so much for being a part of this fantastic adventure. It was such a great and exciting adventure. There were so many great quilters, including many beginners, who produced some amazing results. Oh, that makes me so happy! I am absolutely thrilled with your fantastic work!

It was great fun to see your work and especially your progress.

The Quilt Safari showcase here in the Community Section of the WeAllSew blog is remarkable. You can also admire many of your works on Instagram.

Congratulations to everyone!

I believe that if we accept challenges, overcome fears and prevail against our own resistance, and above all, as in the proverb from Ghana, don’t make fun of each other, we are all winners.

Did you finish your quilts on time? Fantastic! Isn’t it a wonderful and satisfying feeling to make it to the end of a quilt along?

Are you still working on your Safari Quilt? Absolutely fine, great! Take all the time you need and continue working at your own pace. There is no time pressure. All videos and instructions are available here on the blog for as long as you need them.

Under this link, you will find all the articles that have been published as part of the Quilt Safari.

Now, it’s time to announce the three giveaway winners…

Prize #1: bernette 77

BERNINA is offering a bernette 77 as the main prize. The machine from the bernette 70 series offers comfort functions such as a color 5-inch touch screen for intuitive navigation, dual feed for even feeding of all materials, a programmable foot control with back-kick function and many other extras.

Congratulations to the winner of the b77, Mary K.!

Prize #2: Mettler Thread Sets “Passionate Quilting” and “Sense of Tradition”

A special surprise prize will be provided by Mettler.

Surely you know the thread Silk-Finish Cotton 40? This is the patchwork pro in the Mettler range. It is made from high-quality, long-staple cotton and is ideal for patchworking and quilting. The mercerization process makes Silk-Finish Cotton tear-resistant, low-shrinkage and iron-resistant. As the thread is slightly thicker, it can also be used to create beautiful decorative seams and equally impressive embroidery patterns.

Mettler has recently adapted the range even better to the needs and wishes of quilt fans.

Mettler Thread Sets "Passionate Quilting" and "Sense of Tradition"

There were two wonderful kits of this novelty to be won – worth EUR 150 each.

Congratulations to the winner, Stacey D.!

Prize #3: Three patterns from Joe, June and Mae

Winner is… Barbara T.!

You will receive three patterns worth EUR 7.90 each from my store Joe, June and Mae. BERNINA will contact you. Please let the team know which patterns you have chosen.

Congratulations to all the winners. But most of all, I really want to give a huge round of applause to all the participants. You were all fantastic!

Together we have completed a wonderful adventure!

Until the next project!
Ingrid x

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