Stitched Valentine’s Day Card

Nothing says ‘love’ like a handmade gift, and that goes double for a love note or valentine! This Valentine’s Day, take a little extra time to make your valentine cards by hand. A little extra thought and effort won’t go unnoticed by the folks you share these gifts with. … More

Jo’s Simple Summer Skirt Recipe

It gets awfully hot and humid in the South during the summer, especially in August. Lightweight cotton skirts help keep breezes flowing and body temperatures down. They’re simple to make; the hardest part is finding fine, lightweight cotton fabric! … More

How to Make Your Own Trick-or-Treat Bags

Send your little one off to celebrate Halloween in style with these easy-to-sew, fun-to-make Trick-or-Treat bags. Spook them up with seasonal embroidery and use glow-in-the-dark embroidery thread for maximum effect. Need something a bit smaller for a party favor or gift bag? Then stitch up a cute mini version!