Three Ways to Remove Overlocker Stitches

Let’s talk about the dreaded moment when you realize you made a mistake and have to get the seam ripper out to remove some stitches. But not for any simple, straight seam. For an overlocker seam. Terror sets in, anxiety levels rise up and all you want to do is throw away that cursed project. But wait, there is still hope!  … More

The Running Stitch – Not Just for Quilting

The running stitch – three zigs to the left, three zags to the right, repeat – has been getting a lot of notice lately in Modern Quilting as an alternative to quilting with lines of plain straight stitch. But that’s not the only way to use the running stitch. It’s also excellent for piecing together remnants of batting. … More

T-Shirt Appliqué With AquaMesh Plus

I just learned this great trick for making some simple t-shirt applique shapes using OESD’s AquaMesh Plus paper-backed adhesive, water-soluble stabilizer! See how I added some shapes to perk up a plain t-shirt scarf, and get a quick how-to for making your own scarf from upcycled tees. … More