Last-minute Gifts to Stitch
Looking for a last-minute holiday gift? Explore these quick and easy projects that will come together in no time!
How to Sew a Convertible Leather Hip Sack
Learn how to make a convertible leather hip sack. It’s the perfect accessory to carry all the necessities.
How to Make a Cuddle® Throw Blanket
Who doesn’t want a soft blanket on a rainy night while watching a movie or on a cold night with a book by the fire? It’s a great gift to give anyone at any age or to give yourself.
Hand-look Quilted Wallet
Take a simple pattern for a wallet and add a unique touch with the hand-look quilting stitch! It’s a fun project that anyone in your life would love to receive.
How to Make Shibori Indigo Dyed Tea Towels
This tea towel makes a unique handmade gift to give to family, friends and neighbors for the holidays this year.
Vinyl Zip Pouch
You can never really have too many zip pouches! Learn how to make these fun neon pouches.
Quick and Easy Handmade Leather Gifts
These quick and easy handmade leather gifts can be used as stocking stuffers or teacher appreciation gifts!
How to Make a Bucket Hat
Bucket hats are a fun accessory to add to any outfit! Learn how to easily create your own.
DIY Reusable Furoshiki Wrapping Cloth
Learn how to make a large-size wrapping cloth with a clean-finished mitered edge and use the cloth to make a bottle wrap or shoulder bag.
Hair Scrunchie with Tails
Hair scrunchies are a popular trend! They can be made in various styles, colors and fabrics. Dive into your pile of scraps and whip up a few with the full tutorial.
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540 comments on “Last-minute Gifts to Stitch”
Longarm quilting!
Making Quilt labels on my 790 Pro … and FMQ
Next year I want to try paper piecing and continue learning free motion quilting.
What all is in the Giveaway please?
I plan to work on improving my machine embroidery skills & free motion quilting skills!
I want to learn how to use my 770 for quilting larger projects!
Love reading the blog. I hope to master edge to edge quilting using my embroidery machine.
I’m thinking it’s time to make some fun purses. Maybe use some leather in the process. Elaine Bowie
I want to master the Bernina Embroidery Software 9.
Longarming feathers
I want to make better bags and finish piecing a quilt quicker.
I plan on learning to use my embroidery module on my new 770.
I plan to conquer cover stitch techniques in the new year!
I want to be able to master my quilt making skills next year after 4 years of inaction! I”ve upgraded my 790 and would love to tackle more complicated embroidery…
I want to learn how to use the quilting designs on my Bernina 590.
Next year I hope to master free-motion quilting!
In the hoop coasters!
I would love to also get better at free motion quilting.
I’d like to get good at feathers on my new Q16.
I would like to master raw-edge applique and maybe some ruler quilting on my domestic sewing machine.
I have been trying my hand at raw edge appliqué and I want to continue working on it!
I’m hoping to master ruler work quilting! I’ve tried quite a bit, but it always seems to get away from me on my domestic machine. However, I plan to keep trying.
I have starting playing with needle-turn applique and am determined to perfect my skills with making more projects using it!
I would like to master altering and embellishing necklines on garments.
I plan to master free motion quilting so that I may finish my quilts.
Ruler work and perfect pinpoint placement!
I, too, would like to master free motion quilting.
I’d like to master creating applique designs in V9 software.
I probably won’t master it but I want to improve my Longarm quilting skills.
My goal is to learn and master the technique of installing invisible zippers, with my new Bernina invisible zipper foot.
I would love to learn hand quilting.
I hope to master binding and quilting in the hoop.
Quilting on my 790+ with my Bernina Rulers & finish my quilt tops
I want to master embroidering on my 880+ and make quilts for my grand neice and grand nephew.
Just started piercing about 4 years ago and now I want to start quilting my own quilts this year.
I have a new 790Pro and would like to master the new shape creator in embroidery. So glad this was input on the 790.
I would like to master monogramming with embroidery software.
I hope to master free motion quilting with my BSR next year!
Make perfect mitered binding corners on quilts.
I hope to be able to buy the embroidery unit for my bernina and master using it.
Machine embroidery.
I want to master the embroidery module. Be able to use it to enhance my sews, maybe quilting.
Applique as I have a love/hate relationship w/it.
I’m planning on working to greatly improve my work with bound buttonholes, especially on jackets.
I’ve had my embroidery module for several years now and have yet to use it – 2024 is the year!
I plan to master longarm quilting on my Q20. I have acquired my rulers and I am ready to go. There is a pile of unfinished quilt tops (some sandwiched together) just waiting to be stitched!
Good luck everyone!
I plan to master Fred lotion quilting!
Freehand quilting – specifically graffiti quilting
I want to master my embroidery module!
I plan to master free motion quilting!
I plan to master quilting with rulers on my Bernina 790.
I plan to learn trapunto on my 790 PRO !
I WILL master my embroidery unit!! I plan to learn how to use it to quilt designs on projects such as table toppers and wall hangings, similar to long arm designs. I will also learn ruler work.
I would like to improve my my Qmatic custom quilting skills and learn Art & Stitch!
I want to improve my digitizing skills in 2024. Sometimes a design looks great on the screeen, but doesn’t stitch out like my brain imagined it.
I hope to learn quilting with the embroidery hoop
My plan is to master binding! Then let the quilting begin!
Be more inventive with my new serger coverstitcher!
I plan to master edge to edge quilting with my 790+ embroidery module.
I would like to master free motion quilting.
I plan on working more with free motion quilting on my B590. I started working with FMQ this year and want to improve my skills in 2024.
I would like to master edge to edge quilting in the hoop.
I plan to master using my BSR for free motion quilting. I have several simple table runners that I’ve made to practice on.
I hope to master ruler work on my 880+. Love that machine!!
Edge to edge quilting on my 790
Yes, I am getting back into sewing, never sewn on a serger. Bought one the other day. I am teaching my Hubby to layout P-L-A-I-D fabric & sew flannel pajamas. LOL
I want to become more proficient with Ruler work
My plan for the year is to make long sleeve t-shirts on my B535. I want to learn about the stitches that are best for knit fabrics. The sleeves on store bought t-shirts are too short on me.
Want to learn rulerwork quilting
Quilting with rulers.
I do well with computerized quilting designs but want to improve my free motion skills. I also want to do a quilt with the block quilting done on the embroidery machine.
I want to master accurate piecing. This way I can use patterns
Binding quilts with my Bernina serger.
Long arm quilting
I would like to master machine quilted feathers next year.
I hope to have my Bernina 570QE fixed so I can learn more quilting techniques.
I want to master free-motion quilting on my domestic.
The technique I’d like to master is flat felled seams and seam finishing.
2024 brings learning to quilt on machine, and sergering!!!!!!!!
Quilting with my embroidery machine.
Longarm Quilting
I really want to master mitered corners this year!!!
Serger techniques – applying elastic, using the ruffler, etc.
Lace insertion, jeans, and sewing waxed cotton. I just got the non-stick foot for my Bernina 770.
Machine quilting with rulers – I love the look
I want to master sewing with knits to make clothing for myself and family.
I plan to master serging!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I want to master ruler work. I have the supplies just need to take the time to do it
I would like to master piecing curves next year.
I want to learn bargello quilt technique in 2024.
Machine embroidery quilting.
I would love to master long arm free-motion quilting along with feeling more confident with rulers. I had a baby quilt sitting under the needle of my Bernina long arm for months and just couldn’t come up with the confidence to do a pattern or start any stitching. Ended up sending to a friend who quilted it for me. But not in 2024!
I want to master machine applique using the zig zag stitch.
Qmatic program!
I plan to master free motion quilting in the new year.
I’d like to improve my FMQ skillls.
I would like to learn how to machine sew binding, so that it looks really nice on the front AND the back of the quilt !!!
I hope to become more familiar with my v9 software!
Curved piecing
I just finished my first quilt (the Nona quilt from earlier this year) on my 770 QE.
My intentions for the new year include learning/mastering free-motion quilting, along with ruler work. -
I plan to master embroidery on my new Bernina E16Pro.
I plan to improve my fitting techniques. I also plan to improve sewing in my zippers.
I really need to work on hand quilting. but with 2 Berninas I love, it’s much easier to use the QE’S I have !!!
In 2024 I plan to master using BSR. I have been trying to use BSR on my B570 QEE but have been timid. 2024 will be the year I master the BSR!
I hope to master quilting on my new Bernina Q16 sitdown, freemotion and rulerwork….
Manipulating original art designs in Create to successful embroidery on Ya Ya Han b79!
I would like to tackle ruler quilting in the new year!
I plan on learning more about digitizing – both for the longarm and embroidery!
Free motion stitch painting
I plan to master quilting and binding .
Master my Q24 longarm!
I would like to master using my BSR.
I’ve been working on learning how to quilt with rulers. I still need work on it for I currently can’t do them very well. They still look slopy. I think 2024 will be my year however.
I am so dedicated to mastering two things: free motion quilting and using my Q-Matic to its full potential. As with most things, practice makes perfect. I have a LOT of practice to go.
I would like to master my binder attachment, it keeps defeating me!
I plan to master beautiful Y-seams in my quilt piecing.
I want to learn how to “couch” with different threads. I have purchased the correct Bernina foot but I have not attempted the technique yet!
My 790PRO that I ordered from my dealer in September, if it ever arrives.
I would like to improve my free motion quilting skills.
I plan on mastering my Q20!
I am loving all my Bernina machines! In 2024 I plan on learning Art n Stitch and dialing in custom quilting on my Q24 with Qmatics. I love knowing that I have the tools and machines to do anything I can think of.
Machine quilting.
I’m anxious to learn how to do free motion quilting.
Two things! Learn how to keep my UFO (unfinished objects) list to a modest number so I have time to learn how to embroider an intricate tree skirt.
Edge to Edge quilting with my embroidery machine.
I plan to master long-arm quilting so I can finish my quilts more easily.
Gosh so many things but free motion quilting has been a challenge . Would love to master it.
I would like to become more proficient at free-motion quilting.
Next year I want to master the technique for creating pintucks in a variety of fabrics.
I’m going to master free motion quilting. No more fits and starts. Just do it!
Machine quilting using my B880.
I plan to practice more paper piecing.
Curved piecing Drunkards Path
My plan for 2024 is to master custom quilting on my Q 20 on the studio frame using Qmatic.
Next year I want to make my own jeans.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this awesome gift. I hope to master pin-point placement with my 880 Plus. I can do it but not super well.
This new year I am planning on mastering the half-square triangle so it comes out right the first time. Next, I plan to take a deep breath and begin to use up my stash. It means cutting into the fabric that makes my heart sing and creating the quilts that have been too long in my imagination and not under my presser foot.
I hope to really get to know and master my B790 Plus!
I hope I can improve my skills with ruler work. There is a large stack of quilt tops awaiting quilting!
I plan to learn my 790 Pro, practice my Q20 and learn ruler work along with couching. Pick a quilt with techniques I haven’t done before and of course LOTS of embroidery. I love my BERNINAS, all four of them!!!
A technique I would love to master is feeling more secure using the Bernina stitch regulator. Practice, practice. practice.
I want to master more advanced paper piecing
I want to master free motion quilting skills.
I want to master the perfect quarter inch seam. Hope I win!
I’m going to venture into mixed textile media artistic creations. Will practice with BSR free motion, couching and ruffler feet to gain skills and have fun!!!!!
I want to master free motion stitching.
Renew skills for garment making after a long hiatus
I plan to master my embroidery module by taking more Bernina classes.
I plan on improving my embroidery skills on my Tula 770
I plan to try my best at mastering all techniques I use every year.
I have been concentrating on quilting but wanted to add some embroidery and realized I didn’t remember how so I’d like to try to relearn some of those techniques.
my embroidery module!
I’d love to practice more embroidery allowing me to feel confident.
I plan to master working with the leather foot, creating leather and cork/fabric gifts. I also plan to Master creating clothing and stuffed/blanket items as we welcome in our first grandson!!
I would like to master free motion quilting. My stitch in the ditch is so boring!
I hope to master the quilting using the BQM stitches on my 790 Pro.
Embroidery that requires me to move the project in the hoop to continue.
I am going to take a sewing class each quarter at my local Bernina store in Billings MT. I have found that I will make the time to go to a class and sew. I have been so busy that I have not set aside the time to sew. Also the classes stimulate my creativity.
Though a quilter for years, I haven’t done any raw-edge applique. So that’s the skill I plan to master this year along with free- motion quilting on my domestic machine.
I plan to master putting everything back in its place so I don’t spend so much time looking for things.
I want to finally fit some basic patterns so I can sew something on a moment’s notice–without having to fuss about fit!
I would like to master the art of using my scraps and leftover fabrics on new projects! Even though I try my best, I always seem to be adding to my collection instead of diminishing it.
I have 2 quilting goals: mastering machine appliqué and improving my long arm quilting so my curves are smooth and flowing.
I need to work on my free motion quilting skills.
I’m hoping to master quilting in the hoop!
I hope to master collage.
I plan to master software 9 to improve my embroidery skills.
I am hoping to Indigo dye to make kitchen towels and possible a garment.
Next year I would love to learn how to use the rulers for quiiting!
Free motion quilting on my B590.
Technique of quietly slipping off to my sewing room with nobody noticing for several hours!
I have had my machine for three years now and have been afraid to attach the embroidery module. This is the year. I will learn to use it and especially for quilting in the hoop. Yay, Go Me!
I am planning on being better at quilting with applique and to learn more or B790Plus characteristics. I seem to use only straight stitching and zig zag and need to incorporate more.
I plan to improve my long arm quilting. Love my Q24 and love all the ideas and help on #WeAllSew.
My new Q16 was just set up on Friday. I hope to have fun in 2024 learning to master it
Free motion quilting, this is the year!
I plan to master quilting on my domestic machine and finishing all my BOMs that I am behind on!
I plan to sew more with leather and develop a good small wallet pattern.
Free motion quilting on my 790, plus use clamp hoop more.
Would like to master straight line ruler quilting.
For 2024, I plan to master free-motion quilting including rulerwork and to become more proficient with my L890 serger.
Next year I plan to use my embroidery module more and master that!
I said I was ping to master ruler quilting last year but too many circumstances got in the way! So 2024 will see my ruler work mastering!
I’d like to work more on straight-line machine quilting.
I said I was hoping to master ruler quilting last year but too many circumstances got in the way! So 2024 will see my ruler work mastering!
I plan to master the use of my E16!
I would like to learn more about all the decorative stiches on my sewing machine.
I have 5 quilt tops that I plan to use quilt on my 770 using my new rulers.
Trapunto and micro quilting with super fine thread to add dimension. I treated myself to a #24 foot for my Q20 yesterday!
I plan to master embroidery on my new Bernina sewing machine.
2024 – I hope to improve my piecing skills. Adding more accuracy. I also hope to complete multiple unfinished projects.
Free motion quilting
I plan to
Learn how to make a garment or two and adding decorative stitches.
I also hope to master free motion quilting with a ruler -
I LOVE to make charity quilts and bucket hats, which,I donate to homeless shelters. Your project ideas,has helped me give more gifts away to those ,who are in need! THANKS !
I would like to learn how to use the embroidery part of my sewing machine.
I will learn ruler quilting and get better at free motion quilting
Learn more of what my machine can do beyond just the basics.
Ruler quilting.
I want to master raw edge appliqué and embroidery with Bernina..
I hope to master Quilted Portraits.
I plan to finish a tote of quilts on my Q24.
I would like to do edge to edge and Quilt my Queen size quilt I have finished.
I plan to get more comfortable with my “new” 770 machine. I don’t use it as much as my older 930.
I plan to get back into projects that were set aside for lack of time, embroidery, quilting, and garments.
I want to learn to do ruler work on my 14 year old Bernina 440QE.
And I want master machine embroidery and do edge to edge quilting with it. -
I would like to try some ruler work quilting. I have several wall hangings that need quilting.
My 2024 goal is to master several new techniques! For my clothes sewing, I want to master the FBA. For my quilting, I want to master “quilt as you go”.
Free motion quilting techniques
Free motion quilting is on my list for 2024.
knit binding
I would like to conquer machine embroidery. I have tried but need more help.
Next year I plan to learn how to use Art & Stitch.
Improve my embroidery on my Bernina 590 Chrystal machine. I am monogramming each family member their own napkin for special occasions at my mom’s ( to others it Gma/ Mema)
Improving my embroidery skills. I am monogramming each family member their own napkin for special occasions at my mom’s ( to others it Gma/ Mema)
I want to master quilting in the hoop with my 790Pro and the clamp hoop
I plan to master quilting in the hoop.
Free motion quilting and my ufo’s
I would like to dive into thread painting/sketching and ruler quilting.
I would like tweak my skills working with triangles.
I plan to master using the BSR foot to do my own quilting.
I hope to improve my teaching skills on thread painting
Fingers crossed!
I want to master free motion quilting! -
I’d like to master ruler work free motion quilting.
Hoping to master Software V9, Pinpoint placement and Ruler work.
I want to start learning and experiment with free motion quilting. the thought terrifies me, but I want to be brave!!
I want to practice embroidery techniques on different fabrics for different applications
I would like to master more embroidery skills.
I’d like to improve my free motion quilting skills. (They can always stand some re-calibrating).
I plan to do a lot of embroidery on home dec items and clothing. There is so much to discover and learn on the Version 9 software! I’ll have a lot of fun in 2024.
I want to master stitch #38 on my Bernina 330. It’s a stitch that emulates hand stitching (also called Sashiko). There are applications in my crafting where it would be perfect, but the method eludes me. When I take my Bernina in for service in January, I hope to find someone in the shop who can teach me this mysterious stitch.
I want to take my free motion quilting up at least 2 notches with rulers and a lot more practice.
In addition to making rope baskets, I’m going to learn English Paper Piecing so that I can have something to sew on the go at any time, even in the car or when I’m somewhere I’m unable to sew on my machine. Also, hexies are pretty and those cute little sewing kits are irresistable.
Learn to quilt
I would like to learn to free motion quilting, I have to get out of stitching in the ditch or outline stitching.
I can’t wait to try the mitered corner technique described in the farmhouse kitchen towel tutorial but my bigger goal for 2024 is fmq with my bar.
My goal is to attempt a paper piecing quilt and create an applique quilt using the emblem from my son’s vocation.
I want to master pinpoint placement on my 880 Plus!
I just quilted my first quilt with edge to edge quilting. Loved the technique but I have a LOT of room to improve so working on that in 2024.
I would love to MASTER bindings. Just have a difficult time with them.
Machine quilting
“What technique do you plan to master in the new year?”
Quilting of some type. Free motion with my BSR foot, Ruller work, In the Hoop.
I love piecing quilt tops. I have several that need quilting so that I can use them. -
i plan to master or at least become more familar with my 890 Serger
I want to get better at paper piecing, and sewing curves. Thanks for the chance to win!
Quilting in the hoop is what i hoe to master this year.
Would like to master my new Bernina 770 QE! So much different from my 635, new learning experience!
I plan to learn embroidery.
I’d love to learn how to crochet so I would always have a project to grab and take along for trips and waiting at the kiddos sport events.
I plan to master new quilting techniques!!!
Sewing machine quilting with rulers and learning to use my serger.
I want to master doll clothes!!
I plan on trying a new college method
I want to master free motion quilting, but it will take more than a year for me.
Couching! Have seen some posted on FB recently, and it looks neat!
I plan on conquering needle turn Appliqué and longarm quilting.
Gaining more skill with foundation paper piecing and free motion quilting is my goal for the coming year.
I bought a bag of leather scraps, and I’ve been looking for small projects to use them for. Great ideas.
I’d like to get better at using my bernette embroidery machine.
My plan is to Quilt a CALIF. KING Size QUILT with my Berina 790 Plus using Embroidery or Rulers Not sure which of the Two I will conquer Wish me Luck
I want to learn how do machine applique.
I’d like to master free motion quilting.
PS- I know I am making the Modern Farmhouse Kitchen Towels Today Thank You
I plan to master sewing on vinyl!
Learn and excel at long arm ruler work.
I hope to improve my free motion quilting skills this year.
Oh sew much to learn!! Plan on trying paper piecing and continuing free motion quilting (does anyone ever become a master doing that?!!)
I plan to master using my embroidery machine to quilt with designs made with my Bernina software.
I hope to master my q20 sit-down. I’ve had it for a few years, but I really need to work on my free motion quilting. I have mastered stippling but I’d like to do more! I LOVE my Q20!!!
I hope to master machine embroidery this year.
Knowing how to use my embroidery module for so many projects.
I plan to start making clothing; needing to master buttonholes, zippers, set in sleeves and things I probably haven’t even thought of yet.
I just bought the Bernina Software 9 so I want to learn it and then learn how to digitize files so I can use the cutwork tool I also bought. I used the cutwork tool on one project and it really was a great help !
I hope to master my new Q20 sitdown.
I plan to use my BSR to learn free motion quilting.
This year is the year to master piping and other techniques to use for home decor! I see pillows in my future
In the next year, I want to learn how to add piping to seat covers. My husband has warn out his old sea cushion in his office. I need to make him a new one. Fast. He’s getting anxious. Have a great year, EVERYONE!!
I would like to master quilting on my domestic machine (790 Anniversary Edition named Nina!)!
I hope to master combining FMQ with ruler work. I’ve seen photos of many beautiful projects. Is it too much to hope for at almost 80??
I would like to break out the embroidery module on my Bernini 790. I have not yet given it a go. I have a feeling I will get hooked once I try it. I also plan to use some new free motion and ruler quilting techniques this year. And, I hope to try the magnifiers.
I always enjoy the Bernina, “We All Sew” blog, it has so many fun things to try. I even adapted one of the designs from this blog into a Barn Quilt for my garage and made a beautiful matching table topper. Thank you for the inspiration!
Cheryl -
want to work on ruler quilting
I want to master free motion quilting on my home machine.
I’d love to master embroidery.
I want to master free standing lace.
I want to master quilting.
I want to do some tailoring. I have done a small foray into tailoring but would like to do a deep dive into it.
I would like to master the art of edge to edge quilting using my Jumbo hoop. I have 2 twins sized quilt tops to finish…
I would like to master a rolled hem, make a shell hem for skirts or garments.
I would like to master freezer paper foundation piecing and continue to improve my free motion quilting
I plan to master digitizing my own embroidery designs. And then stitching them out.
I am hoping to finally master longarm quilting.
Along with setting aside more time to sew I plan to make the time to master my
Ruler work skills. -
I want to learn feathers on my Q20
Sewing patterns to fit. I want to master that.
I plan to work on my free motion quilting. Would love to master ruler work too.
My plan for 2024 is to master the BSR and ruler quilting on my Bernina Tula 770QE!
I want to learn how to paper piece blocks, and also learn some new freemotion quilting patterns.
The skill of making time to sew everyday.
I just bought a pattern that requires a circle template! I’m going to learn how to sew lots of circles!!!
I plan to master curved piecing.
I want to Master embroidery on my new 790Pro!
Next year I plan to master bias binding and creating quilt labels
I want to learn both draping and template (ruler) quilting. I don’t currently do either. I have tried to do some template quilting but failed miserably. I plan to take it a more deliberate approach and practice for a few minutes every day. Draping has never been interesting to me until recently. As we age our bodies change, and I can’t seem to get the flat patterns to go around my new curves and bulges in a pleasing way. I’m already scheduled for the class early next year. I’m looking forward to great things in my sewing room next year.
I’d like to work on different applique techniques.
I want to work on machine embroidery and learn how to digitize designs.
I plan to master machine applique with my new Bernina Embroidery Module.
I want to try to master FMQ. Happy Holidays everyone!
I want to master the cover stitch so the neck openings look like ready-to-wear!
Binding with the binding attachment
Use the Q-matic for long arming.
I plan to learn how to use the many specialty rulers I own so I can create more precise patchwork
I’m hoping to have time to master free motion quilting. I went to Scotland and have sketched a landscape quilt and I plan to create this with free motion and thread painting.
Techniques I need to master on my B590; how to sew straight and correctly, learning more about the feet I own or purchase in the future and to use them and to use them. Learn more about free motion quilting on my B590.
appliqued, detailed landscapes completed with free motion thread painting
Free Motion quilting! I have a pile of quilts that need to be quilted!
Really, truly, FINALLY dig into the wonderful V9 software.
I would love to master longarm quilting next year.
Next year I plan to finish all of my started quilting projects and master free motion quilting.
I plan on mastering free motion quilting, I have been so interested in it for some time tried it but this year 2024 will be the year!! Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!
I hope to master using my L860 serger to create more professional finishes on my costumes and garments, especially when I’m working with lightweight and sheet fabrics.
I would like to master ruler work on my new Q24
I want to learn long arm custom quilting!
I want to learn long arm quilting!
I am going to master FMQ.
Free motion designs
I’d like to move beyond basics and master my L890 serger
I’m going to make a log cabin quilt for quilts of Valor. Also want to learn more about Q16 longer possibly to buy. OR air serger.
It time to get all my quilt top quilted so I need to master longarm quilting out of necessity.
I’m hoping to master free-motion and ruler quilting. I also do some machine embroidery quilting and wish to add these other skills.
I would love to get a handle on bag making!!!
Going to concentrate on mastering my new L860
Next year I hope to master quilting in the hoop on my Bernina 770QE+! Love the above projects.
I really want to become comfortable with machine quilting and explore needle turn applique.
I plan on doing couching on my Q20. Bought the kit from the tutorial from over the summer but due to two foot surgeries I didn’t get a chance.
lm planning on mastering my 890. and some great grand kid cloths
I plan to master techniques on my L890 with all my specialty feet
I would like to be able to spend more time learning ruler work.
I want to master ruler work on my long arm for 2024
Trying to master an invisible zipper.
I want to get better at Free motion quilting and just making time for me to sew and create.
Embroidery using design software
I have been using my walking foot to quilt some of my quilts and this coming year I plan to get out my Bernina Stitch Regulator and master free motion quilting on my Bernina 765SE!
I am getting a longarm, so free motion quilting is my goal, but I am sure I will learn by following pantographs. So excited!
I plan on learning free motion quilting.
I plan to master embroidery and quilting in the hoop in 2024
I will master free motion and ruler guided quilting on my Q20 sitdown.
I want to master ruler work and free motion stitching!!
I plan to master bobbin work in 2024!
I would love to win that Box!
I need to work on ruler work.
I would really love to win this box. I did see above with everything in it. Would love to win.
I love my new 790 plus and my sit down Q20. Also have the1150 serger and a 435. Love all my Berninas!!!! Happy Holiday everyone and good luck to all of us. -
Hemming Jeans with original hem!
I would love to learn and mast smocking and pleating for garment sewing.
I want to really want to take my machine embroidery up ten notches by mastering my Embroidery Software 9. I am amazed at what you can do with it!
Thank you for this giveaway! I still need work on construction of children’s clothes, particular putting in buttons or piping around bulky seams.
I plan to master sewing apparel that fits ME! I have a hard time getting clothing to fit well. I am positive my Berninas will give me the best chance of conquering apparel sewing.
I plan to master free motion quilting and ruler work. I have been wanting to for so long so 2024 is the year! Thank you so much for the giveaway.
I want to improve my understanding of my embroidery module and improve my machine quilting. I’d love to get back to sewing more!
Embroidery on my 790 plus
I’d like to get better at quilting on my Q16.
I, too, would like to master free motion quilting!
I am hoping to utilize the stitches in my 790 plus to make a one of a kind embroidered bag. The machine has such capacity, and I am eager to explore the many options to be creative.
Embroidery on my longarm, can it really be done?
I would like to do more embroidery gifts and be better at free motion quilting!
I plan to get past the beginner level of sewing
I am going to master foundation paper piecing if it kills me!!! I’ve signed up for a Judy Niemeyer quilt class! My Bernina 770QE will make all the difference as I eat this elephant one bite at a time. haha
Learn ruler work as well as improvement on free motion building on my Bernina 880 Plus.
Flying geese.
Planning to finally make a New York Beauty quilt!
I want to learn how to use my embroidery unit and make quilt labels
I want to try ruler work this year
Free motion quilting on my domestic machine. I want to do more than straight lines and stipple on my quilts.
Master the art of paper piecing for a quilt
I bought the rulers, even taken a beginner’s class! But have failed the “practice, practice, practice” part. I’m adding this to my list of 2024 best of intentions!
I would like to get better at machine embroidery so I can make things for my two great-granddaughters…one is one-year old and the other is 16 months old. What fun that would be!
I would like to learn how to do appliqué better. There is so many pretty patterns I would like to attempt.
I just bought a new Bernina 770QE. My goal is to learn all that it has to offer.
I plan to improve my longarm skills.
I want to utilize machine applique with crisp and perfect circles as to have them appear to be done by a professional other than the DIY that I am.
Rulerwork on my 880 and 790Pro.
I plan to master free motion quilting this year!
I want to increase my use of the special stitches on my BERNINA to add texture and interest on my quilts.
I want to make a Dresden plate quilt this coming year, which is quite different from the machine pieced quilts I usually make.
I would like to learn ruler work quilting.
Embroidery software 9. Me dealer (Ann Arbor Seeing Center) arranged for me to have a one on one class with their instructor. I have a good grasp on the basics, but I want to do more digitizing. Software is a powerful tool!
I’ve been collecting materials for a crazy quilt for years. I’m ready to master those embroidery stitches and put it all together.
My dream is to learn pin point placing. Also I’d like to do more Ruler Work as what I’ve done so far is fun but my stitching isn’t great. Plus winning this amazing Bernina box would allow me to learn even more amazing things my Bernina can do!!!
Sewing room organization eludes me. I am going to work on that.
I want to master embroidery on my 770QE Plus.
In 2024, I plan to master how to appliqué with a sewing machine. Happy holidays and New Year!
I plan to make gifts of faux leather and need to learn the best technique to sew on this product.
I would like to master quilting with rulers.
I hope to learn free motion quilting!
I hope to master ruler work quilting.
I plan to learn edge to edge quilting using my embroidery attachment on lap size and smaller quilts.
I want to master my 570 QE and basic quilting in the new year! And, start doing some embroidery.
I plan to master my L890 serger.
I plan to learn and hopefully master free motion quilting in 2024.
I plan to master template quilting to add extra beauty to blocks.
I want to master teaching my granddaughter some of the finer points of clothes construction. My 590 allows her to control the speed easily so that she can handle the fabric safely. We’ve made a couple of very simple items, but need to move on to interfacings, zippers, and buttonholes. It has been decades since I did clothes sewing (the last 20 years have been devoted to learning quilting construction).
Next year I want to try my hand at improv quilting, especially with modern designs and fabrics. I’ve loved traditional patterns, but feel it’s time to set my inner creative side free.
I’m hoping to master learning my embroidery software. I keep putting it off and putting it off as I find OTHER things to do!!! Haha.
I am going to master 2 sewing feats in 2024: long arm quilting, and my embroidery attachments to my 770QE!
I would really like to sew a beautiful binding on my quilts.
I would like to improve my piecing, especially points.
I plan to master quilt binding. I just took up quilting this year and I want to master beautiful mitered corners!
Free motion quilting!
I want to sew, TY
Free motion quilting.
I want to try making a whole cloth quilt design with free motion quilting. Also want to try landscape quilting too. Love my Bernina.
I plan to begin learning my Q16+, though I doubt I will “master” longarm quilting in one year! I sure plan to try!
I hope to upgrade to a 790 & learn how to use it, so I can make larger embroidered projects!
I am hoping to learn ruler work on quilting. I also would like to make a rag quilt. And embroider more projects… So many projects, so little time.
I plan on expanding my straight line quilting-maybe even venture into the world of free motion quilting.
Really hoping to master my sit down longarm next year. Loving it so far
I want to learn the in the hoop quilting technique!
I just purchased a Q20 long arm, table mount. I hope to learn how to use it and master the free-motion quilting.
I plan to master completing unfinished projects!
I hope to master free motion quilting. I have a Q20 and I’d like to get beyond beginner stage
I would like to learn how to free motion quilt on my Bernina 770QE.
I’d like to learn hand applique. I think is beautiful and I’d like to sew a block to see if I can and enjoy it.
Free motion quilting on my Bernina
I would like to master applique quilts, for example, Dresden Plate.
This new year, I hope to master my serger in the new year to upcycle t-shirts and sweatshirts.
I just bought a Qmatic and have big plans to learn how to quilt lots of new patterns. I’ve not been able to master feathers so I’m in high hopes to master them
I have a B770qe and just started to try the FMQ……love it but need to watch more videos or take classes to work on this technique! Haven’t even tried my embroidery module………so that will also be a project that will be on my January calendar! Love my Bernina!!!!
I want to do a Hawaiian quilt!
Long arm quilting and free motion quilting
I want to master quilting my quilts on my own
I plan to master the felting tools. I have had them for awhile, and want to master felting!
Free motion quilting.
I would really like master the art of thread painting.
I’m going to work on mastering ruler work with my brand new Q16 Longarm!
Ruler work on my domestic Bernina
I plan to master free motion quilting!
I would like to master machine applique techniques.
The technique that I plan to master on my new B790 PRO is multi-hooping.
I want to learn how to paper piece in the New Year.
I would like to do machine embroidery
I plan to master long arm quilting this next year!
I always enjoy reading through the projects and trying something new.
I would like to master edge to edge quilting using my embroidery unit.
I plan to master quilting in the new year!
I have a few techniques I want to learn in 2024. Paper piecing and one block wonder. I love a good challenge.
I would like to improve on my free motion quilting as I have a number of projects that need to be quilted.
Bought an Acclaim serger back in July; I have yet to make my first project .
I peeked under the tree and can’t wait to champion my new Walking foot (50 Foot) to make my stitches more accurate!
I hope to master all over machine quilting using the embroidery unit on my B590.
I plan to “master edge to edge” quilting on my Bernina 880+. I am volunteering at my Guild for all charity quilts to do the edge to edge quilting.
I want to master embroidery and my embroidery software! I want continue working with Q16 and sew some clothing.
I plan to learn quilting with rulers on my Bernina Q20.
I would love to master machine applique and quilting with rulers. What I would REALLY love to do is to master finishing the projects I’ve already begun before starting something else new. ;o) (but where’s the fun in that?.. lol)
I want to master ruler work in 2024 on my new Q16!
I would like to learn and master paper piecing.
I’m hoping to get familiar with and use all my Bernina feet especially the circle embroidery attachment!
I would like to master ruler work and edge to edge quilting.
Next year I would like to master free motion quilting incorporating the use of rulers.
Long arm quilting on a Q series and (im)perfect feathers or at least more graceful feathers.
I have been sewing for almost 70 years but I am always interested in learning something new. I think this year may be the time to learn to make slipcovers or maybe a duvet and bedskirt.
Oh boy! Embroidery and quilting in the hoop….!!! I’d like to try ruler quilting as well… Actually, what I *NEED* to master is self control with fabric and notions… but it’s just too fun
I have a new Bernina long arm.I.hope to perfect my free motion skills and do some ruler work!!
I want to learn how to embroider using my 770.
I want to work on perfecting techniques like better quilt points and more professional looking top stitching.
I hope to master edge to edge quilting using my embroidery module so that I can complete my own quilts.
I would love to get the hang of using my Bernina rulers on quilts for family.
I would like to master appliqué and zippers.
I hope to master custom long arm quilting
The final layer, quilting, has always been my stumbling block so in 2024 I am committing to regularly practicing free motion and ruler work quilting and to level up my walking foot, straight line quilting. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway!
I’d like to learn and use all of the features on my serger!
There are many techniques I need to master, but the first in line is appliqué. Thanks for the gifts ideas and the opportunity to win!
Free Motion quilting and ruler work are my proficiency priorities for 2024.
It sounds terribly simple but I want to perfect my 1/4inch seam allowance in my piecing. I’m still feeling new to quilting and I know how important it is to keep that accuracy throughout.
I’m really looking forward to the projects I have on plan for next year! -
More embroidery!
I plan on mastering paper piecing and work on free motion quilting
I want to learn more about ruler quilting. I just need practice!
I have the 770QE Plus and I would like to master machine embroidery in 2024!
I want to do make a quilt using paper pieced blocks.
I want to learn how to use my embroidery machine to quilt and actually finish quilts!
I am trying to master free motion quilting .
I plan to work to improve my free motion quilting and master the embroidery module on my machine.
Improve my Y-Seam skills.
I plan to master creating embroidered patches and also learn how to quilt.
I want to refine my free motion quilting.
Free motion on my 770 QE!
Also using the embroidery module to quilt -
Quilting with rulers
I plan trying new free motion quilting designs on my 750 QE and playing with my rulers.
I’m finally going to tackle the design and construction of quilts for my two grandsons made from a collection of their baby clothes. I’ve had the fabrics for years (they are now in their teens) and want the quilts ready for high school graduation. It’s going to be a labor of love, for sure. I’m looking for ideas, if you have any….
I’m hoping to master free motion quilting—or at least, get a lot better at it.
I’m hoping to start working on art quilting. I’m also planning on making myself a coat: pattern drafting, some couture finishes. Very excited.
I want to get better at machine applique so I can finish my UFOs.
Getting better at free motion quilting is my goal.
I’ve set-up additional sewing time each week to master both my free-motion quilting and ruler-work on my Q20.
I plan to master edge-to-edge quilting which will finish my ufo’s!
I plan on mastering free motion quilting with my 740.
I have all the stuff I need to try Edge to Edge quilting, but I have a Q20 so I haven’t used any of it yet. I really want to give it a go on my 790+.
I plan to begin learning my Q16+, though I doubt I will “master” longarm quilting in one year! I sure plan to try!
I plan to begin learning my Q16+, though I doubt I will “master” longarm quilting in one year! I sure plan to try! Please approve my post!
I would very much like to master machine embroidery to make pieces for kid quilts.
A few months ago, I started doing ruler work on my domestic machine using a straight edge ruler. It went pretty well, so I want to move on to trying curved and circle rulers this next year. Hopefully I will be able to get a feel for them as well.
learn to use all the different feet I have for my machine
Free motion quilting
I was having problems with service from my local Bernina store. I found a place that did a wonderful job cleaning and setting the tension on both serger and sewing machine. It feels like I am starting the new year with new machines. I’m just happy I will be sewing!
I want to master consistency in my free motion and ruler work quilting.
I want to learn to make greeting cards and master Bernina Embroidery Software V9
I’d like to master free motion quilting.
I plan on learning to use my embroidery machine.
I will master the use of my new Bernina software 9!
I’d like to work on perfecting the inset pocket zipper. Practice makes perfect!
I want to master more of the feet I have purchased to learn different ways to use them. I think I should make a sample book.
I want to increase my use of my Bernette B68 Serger and using heavier threads in the loopers to create texture to fabrics and projects. I love using heavier threads in the loopers to add flair to your projects.
I want to increase my use of my Bernette B68 Serger and using heavier threads in the loopers to create texture to fabrics and projects.
I’m planning on some art quilting, maybe landscapes & city-scapes. Also, I’d like to add buttons to art quilts in a big way.
I want to become proficient with ruler work quilting.
Long Arm quilting
I want to practice using my BSR and free motion quilting as well as do ruler work. I just have not taken the amount of time to become proficient. These are rather related and I should have tried to do this sooner. Thank you ou for a fun question.
I plan on learning how to better use my version 9 software.
Become better at FMQ. -
I plan on mastering pinpoint placement.
I plan on learning to free motion quilt painting with my Bernina Q20.
Free Motion Quilting and improve skills using DesignerPlus software
I want to improve my piecing techniques and learn how to do free-motion quilting.
My goal is to get better at free motion quilting, or ruler work. I love doing embroidery, but have so many quilt tops that need to be quilted. I can’t afford to have someone else do them, so I need to master quilting them myself.
I am going to learn to use my longarm!
In 2024, I hope to master ruler work in combination with free motion quilting on my Q16 sit-down longarm.
Become better at Free Motion Quilting.
I will try embroidery!!! I’ve had my 790 for 3 years and have not even hooked up my embroidery module other than the day I picked it up from the shop.
PS: there may be an imposter contest post on fb with hackers telling many people they have won!!
I want to master inserting a zipper with my L890
I try to learn at least one new thing on my Bernina 880 since I’ve owned it over 7 years ago, and I discover that it is never ending… This year I got the new medium size magnetic clamp as a gift. It will be fun to try it out and learn how to use it on embroidery projects.
I would like to master the use of my BSR in 2024. I have been staring at the box on my sewing table.
I would like to master adding leather accents to fabric bags
Fashion embroidery. I embroider a lot of projects but very little on clothing. Thats my next conquest!
I want to master Embroidery on my b790. It’s been a long time since I’ve done much and the tools and machine technology have really changed.
And then I want to combing the embroidery with some ruler work to make some awesome quilts.
I want to master zippers and buttonholes.
I intend to master paper piecing next year. I found a really cute pattern in an old magazine with some instructions. I have purchased the fabrics, made the copies and I am all set to start next year!
I want to learn to machine quilt
I intend to master my embroidery machine !!!
I want to improve my free motion skills on my 880+. Best Machine ever.
I would like to learn how to make bound buttonholes.
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2023 WeAllSew Holiday Giveaway
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all of our WeAllSew fans who entered! The winner(s) are being informed and will be announced soon.