BERNINA of America Dealers Take Switzerland

Do you know what it’s like when you’re looking forward to an event but are also nervous? That’s how I felt a few weeks ago. We were expecting a large number of high-ranking visitors at the BERNINA headquarters in Steckborn: some of the most successful BERNINA of America dealers were to visit our factory. Together with employees of our US subsidiary, we would show about 150 people around the factory, including our Research & Development department, which is otherwise inaccessible to outsiders. Would that go well? You might lie awake five minutes longer than usual at night, going over the process in your head.

Will we be able to herd and channel the groups up and down stairs and through narrow corridors as planned, so that everyone makes it to their buses in time for lunch and in the afternoon? Will the technology work? Will we be spared the flu? Will everything that is secret and should remain invisible to the eyes of the dealers have disappeared from the offices? Will everyone be as enthusiastic as we hope in the end?

To put it bluntly: the event was a success. Our guests’ love for BERNINA was already great. On this day, it grew even more.

I would like to take you through the special day – #ABIGDAY! – and our factory in Steckborn with a colorful photo gallery. The wonderful photos are from my colleague Yana.

It all starts on a Friday at 9 a.m.: the Steckborn staff gather on the lawn in front of the main building. Four coaches with guests are due to arrive in a quarter of an hour. The yodeling choir sings to warm up.

9:15 a.m.: Where are our guests? The first three coaches have arrived in Steckborn, but are stopping at the town entrance to wait for the fourth bus, which left Zurich late.

There are worse places to take a break: From the parking lot at the Eichhölzli lookout point, the Americans look out over the Untersee and our factory. One of the dealers (Ann Arbor Sewing) captured the following view while waiting and shared it on Instagram. Not bad, don’t you think? It looks so idyllic here, in the land of lovely cheese and magical machines, without any photo filters! In front of the row of poplars by the lake you can see the BERNINA headquarters.

9:20 a.m.: The fourth bus is still missing. Where are they? I tell the yodeling choir that there won’t be enough time for three songs. No problem, if the fee stays the same, says the cheerful group.

At half past nine the buses finally arrive. The BERNINA team applauds, the guests marvel and film or take photos, the yodeling choir sings so beautifully that I get goosebumps. Sorry, dear friends in the Alpine region, the holdrio and doli-duli-du of other countries can’t compare to the slow, harmonious Swiss yodeling 😁.

Now a quick group photo! As quickly as one can be done with 150 people… Everyone please shout “BERNINA”!

In our parts production area, guests sit on benches, chat with each other, get to know the Steckborn team and receive their first dose of Swissness in the form of croissants, coffee crème and chocolate bars.

BERNINA company owner Hanspeter Ueltschi welcomes our sales partners to the parent company and the heart of the premium sewing machine industry. In 1932, his grandfather manufactured the first machine with the name BERNINA, the Class 105, named after Piz Bernina, the highest peak in the Eastern Alps, in the exact place where he is speaking. The boss extends a big, heartfelt thank you to the US guests: “You have done a heck of a job!”

Then, as the “master of ceremony,” I can explain the further process and give the starting signal for the tour. The yellow group to the left! The green group to the right! Blue group, where are you?

The visitors go through the factory in six groups, from station to station, and learn interesting facts about the development and production of our machines. At each station, the respective department head speaks and explains his area of ​​expertise.

Mechanical parts manufacturing shows how series parts, accessories and spare parts are manufactured or processed:

Those who like and have time, can quickly take a picture in our photo box:

Don’t they look more Swiss than some Swiss people? If you ask me, all of the people pictured can be naturalized immediately, honorarily and because of their particularly good visual suitability. Alpöhi beard? You got it. Heidi smile and edelweiss blouse? Swiss approved! As an exception, we’re foregoing the interview and entry test.

We quickly move on and take a short walk to the assembly hall. This is where the  is built . For our visitors, it is the highlight of their trip to Steckborn and probably of their entire European trip.

After another short walk, the tour group arrives at the BERNINA International Creative Center, our workshop location in Steckborn, where the BERNINA company owner personally talks about the cornerstones of BERNINA’s business success: tradition, exceptional quality, technical innovation, inspiring creativity, excellent training and a strong dealer network – as formed by our visitors and many other specialist dealers. Because the BERNINA brand philosophy is passed on to our customers through the know-how and passion of these specialist dealers.

BERNINA of America also has a Creative Center at their headquarters in Aurora, IL, with a similar offering to all who attend a Creative Center class. You can learn more about available courses here.

In between, lunch is served in the BERNINA Bistro.

Then a look into the future is offered in the form of a strategy presentation, given by BERNINA International Marketing Manager Daniela Thrier and Philipp Ueltschi, the head of our digital transformation department …

Finally, our museum and a tour of the development department and sewing laboratory are on the program.

Product development and quality assurance are of the utmost importance to BERNINA. The relevant departments are all located at the Steckborn site. They are, in a way, the inner sanctum of our Steckborn headquarters – but not accessible to outsiders. An exception is made for the American dealers, but we have to point out: Sorry, no pictures please.

Accordingly, you, dear readers, will have to do without photos at this point. Instead, we will show you the museum.

We promise: When the time is right and the new products we are secretly working on are launched, you will find out about it on the blog and social media. It will be great 😉.

We are almost at the end of an eventful day. How did you like the tour of our factory?

There is still time for selfies …

Then there are the goodie bags with souvenirs …

… the boss rushes away …

… and shortly after him our guests too. It was great!

BERNINA is a training company. Around 10 percent of the workforce at the Steckborn site are apprentices. Six of these future professionals made a significant contribution to the success of the event, three of whom you can see below. As group guides, they ensured that the relay race did not become an orienteering race for our visitors. Many thanks to everyone!

Finally, a group photo with ladies and a gentleman who feels five years older after this day than the day before. But also very relieved and happy.

Did everything go well? Everything went very well! The managing director of our US subsidiary writes:

“What a day at the factory today. Such a beautiful welcome, the dealers could really see the BERNINA International staff cared. The sense of family and passion for the company came through. The dealers are only singing praises. Wow, what an amazing experience.”

We also received praise on social media from BERNINA dealer, Pintuck and Purl: “It confirms everything we already knew: BERNINA is truly the best.”

Oh, that feels good. 😊 We pull out our grey hairs and say confidently: The next travel group can come!

Kind regards,

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