BERNINA Lap Seam Presser Feet #70 and #71
Flat felled seams are commonly seen on tailored shirts and denim jeans. These seams are great for reversible projects or anywhere you want a clean, tailored look, both inside and out. BERNINA has two presser that make it easy to stitch flat felled seams. You can make 4 mm flat felled seams with Lap Seam Feet #70, and 8 mm seams with Foot #71.
Pin the wrong sides of the fabric together, with the bottom layer extending beyond the top layer—¼”when using Foot #70; ½” with Foot #71. Fold the lower piece over the top piece and slide it under the presser foot, aligning the fold with the inner right toe of the foot. Sew 4-5 stitches and stop with the needle in the fabric. Lift the presser foot and guide the fabric into the slot, over the left toe of the foot. Stitch the rest of the seam and press.
Slide the seam under the presser foot so the first stitching is visible in the slot. Sew 4-5 stitches, stopping with the needle in the fabric. Load the fabric into the slot, over the crook of the left toe, and stitch the remaining seam.
The finished seam has two parallel lines of stitching on the top and all of the raw edges are totally enclosed.
Click here for a video that shows how to make flat felled seams using Lap Seam Feet #70 and #71
Click here to see how flat felled seams are used in Pojagi, a historic Korean art form of patchwork.
To see how to use Foot #71 for binding a quilt, click here .
For more information on BERNINA presser feet and accessories, see The Bob Book of Feet at your local BERNINA store.
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4 comments on “BERNINA Lap Seam Presser Feet #70 and #71”
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Essentially 5/8 inch seam….cut the top fabric so 1/4″ is removed allowing the 1/4 on the bottom fabric to come around the top fabric if you follow the above directions…..the fold itself will take about 1/8″ so the 1/4 on the bottom and 1/4″ on the top with the fold 1/8 your seam is 5/8 inch. Sounds complicated, I know but take scrap fabric and measure where the 5/8 inch seam will be, cut the 1/4 inch, fold, and fold. You will see 5/8 inch! Good luck, check it out on scrap fabric first as you might decide you like the wrong side best or to use a decorative stitch rather than just straight stitching!
To use topstitching thread, do I complete the lap seam with normal thread the same colour as the jeans, then go over again with the topstitching thread, so that I get the look of RTW jeans,
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What I keep looking for is what is the seam allowance for each of these feet? Can you tell me? Thanks.